The boys said their goodbyes and had 'nice' pics before the silly ones. I like this one of them showing their personalities. Luke was saying, "Take me with you!" Jordie tried sneaking him into the van, but Val put her good sense to use, lol!... He could always share a room with Jordie! :)
While adjusting to apartment living, I believe my guys' favorite part is the pool. They enjoy it as often as possible. It's such a joy to see them so happy. Right now it's like a long vacation. We'll see what happens when we start school up next week, lol!
The boys and I arrived here Aug. 9th. We're pretty much settled in; I'm still planning on continuing to simplify. It's amazing how much a family accumulates over the years. While unpacking and organizing, we checked out a few new restaurants, and of course, the boys' favorite fast food ~ Chick-Fil-A! We even pulled Tim away from work to join us in the first family movie in forever ~ the Smurfs! Oh, my! My Little Men are ready to see it again.
We've already had visitors! Of course, it was such a blessing to have Val & Luke help us move stuff down in July. We can't wait for them to come again!!!! Our wonderful friends, Marc & Stacy, came by for a visit on Wednesday while in this area. Tim was going to surprise them and come by, but ended up being in a meeting all day ~ bummer! We still had fun... the boys were thrilled that M&S wanted to eat at Chick-Fil-A, and watch them swim and even try to pull Marc in.

As it's getting very late, (and my Little Men don't sleep in) I'll end for now with soccer. While searching for upward sports, (last night) I came across Colonial Baptist Church in Cary (and evaluations were tonight!) They have several sports! John and Jordie both wanted to play soccer (Joseph is holding out for basketball). They also offer martial arts and archery among other sports and have a homeschooling group ~ way cool!!!! Both Tim and I had a chance to talk to parents (from all different churches), while watching the boys' evaluations. It was fun for all of us. We sure do miss family & friends in the North Country, but are full speed ahead in our new adventure. ♥
wow! The complex is gorgeous! Stunning.