The old State Capitol building is behind the science & history museum. It was a lovely evening for a walk. It's located in Union Square and served as the Capitol of North Carolina from 1833-1840. The building is Greek Revival architecture and the granite was excavated locally.... The monument in front of the Capitol is the NC Veteran's Monument honoring WWI, WWII, and Korean War. Lady Liberty is at the top of the granite tower holding a palm frond to represent peace and victory.

Henry Lawson Wyatt was the first Confederate (Private) soldier to die in battle during the Civil War. June 10, 1861 during the Battle of Big Bethel (Virginia), he was killed.....

The guys were eager to read the captions and imitate the monuments. I loved the excitement in their voices at people they were familiar with. It's amazing watching these sponges grow. My Little Men definitely have their Dad's love for history!

This is the Confederate Monument honoring North Carolina's Confederate dead. There is a third statue on the monument. The statues symbolize artillery, cavalry, and infantry soldiers..... Below are the guys having more fun....
The day turned out to be much warmer than at the soccer game. It was perfect to be out and about, soaking in the sites and fresh air.
Worth Bagley was born right here in Raleigh in 1874. During the Spanish-American War, he was the first American naval officer killed on May 11, 1898 at Cardenas Bay, Cuba. Aboard the U.S.S. Winslow (torpedo ship), Bagley was the executive officer. He was killed by a shell from Spanish shore batteries.
Of course, what boy isn't drawn to cannons?

Zebulon Baird Vance (born in NC) was a popular political figure for North Carolina during the Civil War. He organized state troops for the Confederacy. Vance was promoted to full colonel, served as governor, and was a United States senator. He died in 1894. On the right is Charles Duncan McIver. He was a remarkable promoter of education and is remembered as the founder (and first president) of what is now The University of NC at Greensboro. (State Normal & Industrial School for Women)
George Washington ~ the first statue, constructed by Antonio Canova, was destroyed in 1831 when the first State House (built 1792-1796) burned. This current, bronze statue (by Hubbard of VA) was the first statue placed at Union Square on July 4, 1857.

This Vietnam Veteran's Memorial bears the title, "After the Firefight." It honors the North Carolinian men and women (more than 206,000) who served in Vietnam. This monument is the first to be sculpted by a woman, and to show an African American. Two soldiers are waiting medical help for a wounded third.
Three Presidents came from North Carolina!!! James Polk (1845-1849) "HE ENLARGED OUR NATIONAL BOUNDARIES", Andrew Jackson (1829-1837) "HE REVITALIZED AMERICAN DEMOCRACY", and Andrew Johnson (1865-1869) "HE DEFENDED THE CONSTITUTION"

Magnolia trees are one of my favorite. On trips to Florida, I couldn't wait to see if Granny's was in bloom. I think of her whenever I see a magnolia. Anything special about the lamppost? Nope. I just like it. :)
Left to right ~ Christ Episcopal Church (1854), early English style of Gothic architecture; First Baptist Church (1859), variant of the Gothic Revival style; First Presbyterian Church (1900), Romanesque Revival style.

I just thought this view of the Wachovia bank from the Capitol was pretty.... Hmmm... a lot of history, but I hope y'all enjoyed it, we sure did... and now I'm off to bed!!!
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